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P2P Consultants Advise the Sale of Archer Software to Alten-cPrime

October 12, 2020
September 30, 2020 – We are pleased to inform you that P2P Consultants advised the shareholders of Archer Software, a global technology and  custom…
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Business Strategy: “Carving Your Own Niche”

February 28, 2017
If you have unlimited capital or resource, this article is not for you… What does it mean for a company to  “carve…
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Death from de-focus

February 26, 2017
Old-fashioned-stuff for clever clients… The founder of Stayzilla, which announced it would shut down after raising $33.5M, published an emotional blog post where he explains…
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Francois Montrelay is now an Accredited Independent Director in India

June 4, 2016
Francois Montrelay, Managing Partner of P2P Consultants, is now an Accredited Independent Director in India.  Designed and implemented by Board Evaluations Ltd., UK,…
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Making Indian PE and VC invested companies Exit-Ready.

October 16, 2015
Our exit-Ready approach for companies in PE/VC portfolios helps you and your investors make the right decisions, particularly in a cross-border exit…
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